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Stability in Uncertain Times

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Dear Military Spouse,

It’s hard not knowing. It’s hard not knowing if your husband/wife will be deployed again soon. It’s hard to plan for you, let alone your entire family, when you don’t know where you will be! In fact it’s frustrating, especially when you don’t have any control over any of it! You are just supposed to be flexible and go with the flow, and that is a hard pill to swallow sometimes!

For me these past couple of weeks have been hard. Not just hard, but my soul has been in anguish with the developing situation right now in the Middle East, and all the babies and children who are being captured and used as human shields by the terrorist group Hamas. Makes me sick.

It doesn't help either that there are a lot of unknowns right now in my husbands military career, and that's been stressful too.

Every part of me longs for “stability.” As I get older and my kids get older, for us, I’m starting to see the effects of how, “too much change” can affect not just me, but my children (specifically my oldest). It’s hard to keep moving, and to start over, and to find community and friends, and the whole bit once again! It’s hard to be thankful or content when you have big dreams or desires like buying a home, and putting roots down, but you can’t because you’re married to someone who has a career that comes first.

It can be easy to get in that rut of feeling resentful at times towards your active-duty spouse, because life as a military spouse can be hard… because you really do give up so much. There are days where I just want to break down and go and buy a punching bag, and beat the crap out of it- simultaneously yelling at the top of my lungs- “AHHH I HATE THIS!” Ha ha! I mean just to get all that angst and frustration out of me. Maybe I should?! I can only imagine how therapeutic that’d actually be! For real! Anyone feeling sympathetic to my cause and would like to contribute financially for a punching bag and boxing gloves? Ha ha!

On a serious note, there is much fear right now in the military community as the crisis in the Middle East develops. There is so much uncertainty being an Army family in general... so how do you think that fares with someone who is desperate and longs for stability? Kind of an oxi-moron huh? Stability and uncertainty!

What if I told you that there is a way to have stability during the most uncertain of times? Would you believe me? Whatever it is you may be walking through… What would you give to have true stability? Mental stability? Emotional stability? Stability in your marriage, to name a few? What if I told you that there is a God in heaven who longs to hear from you, and who longs to give you real peace?! We weren’t meant to live in anxiety, fear, and high stress every day. I confess to you that that was me all this last week. It’s no way to live. That’s not living at all, it’s drowning. We weren’t meant to live like that. My heart goes out to you military spouse, because I am you in a way.

So listen, I want to validate you and tell you that you have every right to feel the way you do during the lows, and in uncertain times. At the same token I want to encourage you to not remain there- you must push forward. I want to tell you that although you may feel isolated or alone, I promise you that you are not! Fear is the greatest liar in the world, and fear will cause your imagination to soar. So be careful. I want to tell you how much I appreciate all that you do, all the hats you wear, the sacrifices you make (literally), and always being the constant one for your family. It’s hard but I want to encourage you by saying that you are the strongest person I know! We must stick together and encourage and build each other up!

I would be absolutely lost without Jesus because He literally is like a compass in these uncertain times- pointing the way towards His freedom and truth, through His word. His word is powerful, and He longs to give us peace!

If you need prayer of any kind, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! I am here for you. Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father,

I want to lift up the military spouse and his/her family during these uncertain times. I am thankful that you are big enough and strong enough to handle our messes. Our mess does not scare you! You are Jehovah Jireh, our provider, and you are enough! Everything in this world will one day perish but your word will stand forever. One day every knee will bow, and tongue confess that you are Lord. I thank you Lord that you know the plans you have for the military family- “plans to prosper and not to harm- plans to give the military family hope and a future.” I come against all fear and spiritual attacks of Satan right now on the military family. Go before our troops who are deployed, and those who are about to be deployed and encompass them with your mightiest angels and protect them. Cause your favor, and the light of your face to shine on them. Be with their families and give them supernatural peace every-single- day! Help us to be ok with the not knowing. Help us to draw from the source, which is you Lord- to draw strength, and comfort.

In your word Lord, it says that you sustain everything, the whole world (including us) by the power of your word. Help us to trust in you and take you at your word. Help us to surrender daily to you Father, to let go of all we can’t control, and to lean on you not just in the good but in the lows. Where does our help come from? It comes from you Heavenly Father, the maker of heaven and earth! Sustain these military families with your stability- your word of truth! Break any and all lies that fear creates! Strengthen marriages, that the military family would put you first. Help all the spouses Lord to fight and protect the Homefront at all costs. The enemy is after everything we hold dear. Remind us that our greatest mission right now is protecting the Homefront, our marriage, our children- that we don’t let the enemy come in and cause confusion, temptation, and division. Help us to stand united and to lift up our fellow spouses and families to you. Help us to build each other up, and not to tear each other down. In Jesus name we cement this prayer in you. Thank you for your faithfulness Father. Amen.

May the Lord bless and keep you. With all my love, E


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