Dear Military Wife,
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” -Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
We know them well. At night when the kids are finally asleep and you have a moment to yourself, it’s easy to be consumed by the sharp pain of having your spouse gone. A wandering mind searching desperately to remove and replace the pain with temporary relief and satisfaction. You are all too familiar with pain. You’ve made your bed with pain, and even fear on more than one occasion. What distractions are there for me to escape to, you wonder? You see vodka on top of the fridge, and a big blank TV screen, and think to yourself, “mmm that could work!
There are so many great ideas that you’ve considered, for instance: volunteering, getting a job, going back to school, starting a business, read more books, buy a workout machine, start a podcast, have a baby, buy a Cricuit and be crafty…the list goes on. These are really amazing ideas, truly, and dreams for many!
What about the ideas and or dreams that you want and they feel so out of reach? Your dreams-the ones that always seem to be on the backburner, and they get pushed off to the side, because of your husband’s career field? The dreams that lay dormant for now, because your kids are more important and they need you right now? It’s hard. It’s hard when you feel like you are the one who is constantly giving up what you want.
Why do we distract ourselves? To keep busy? To stop us from losing our minds? To not feel alone? What about maybe… is it because we long for purpose, stability, and to do something really meaningful with the life we have? We are all searching for real. Real truth. Real love. Real meaning. Real purpose. Real friends. Real.
God cares about the details of your life. He cares about the desires that are in your heart, and your dreams military wife. Don’t give up. I challenge you to put Him first-come to Him, seek Him, and all the things that you want to do, might not be all the things that you need to do-for today. Start small dear heart. Baby steps. Let God bring peace to the chaos in your mind…Breathe... Focus on Him, and just watch all the weight of your own expectations, and pressures that you place on yourself come to a screeching halt.
The pain might not go away, but God will give you the ability to carry it with wisdom instead of letting it consume you. Walking with God means you are not walking alone. Sometimes distractions are fine, other times distractions can become our downfall. The Lord is with you Mighty Warrior! You are capable, because He lives in you!